Monday, January 19, 2009

Bourbon Barrel Imperial Stout and Chocolate Raspberry Imperial Stouf

Sorry, it's been a while since I last posted, but I lost the password... it's found and here's what's currently brewing...

Bourbon Barrel Imperial Stout & a Chocolate Raspberry Imperial Stout
This started as a 6 gallon recipe of a Russian Imperial Stout split into two separate 3 gallon batches. Here's the original recipe:

6 gallons of tap water into brew pot and heated to 155(F), steeped grains for 90 minutes
- 1 lb. Briess Chocolate Malt (350L)
- 1.5 lb Roasted Barley (non-malted)
- 1 lb Special B Malt
- .5 lb Caramunich Malt
heated to 170(F) and romved the grains and brought to a boil, when boiling, added:
- 2 oz Simcoe pellet hops (11.9% A.A.)
Boiled for 60 minutes, added:
- 1 gallon more tap water
- 9 lbs Extra light dry malt extract
- 3 lbs Corn Sugar
- .5 lb Lactose
Boiled for 15 more minutes then added:
- 2 oz Kent Goldings pellet hops (4.8% A.A.)
Boiled for 15 more minutes then added:
- 2 oz Kent Goldings pellet hops (4.8% A.A.)
Boiled for 1 more minute and cooled wort.

Original gravity was 1.089

I used Pacman yeast and let it sit for 3 weeks in the primary and then transferred to secondary, which is where I made the flavor additions to the two separate 3 gallon batches...

Bourbon Barrel - slighly burned/toasted 1/2 lb of oak chips and then soaked them in 2 oz. of Makers Mark Bourbon for 3 hours. Drained off the excess bourbon and patted down the chips with a paper towel. Added wood chips directly to the 3 gallons of Imperial Stout in the secondary.

Chocolate Raspberry - Boiled 1 quart of tap water for 15 minutes and added 2 oz. of unsweetened chocolate, stirring until melted. Turned off boil and added 1 can of Oregon Raspberries. Cooled the mixture and added it to the carboy with 3 gallons of Imperial Stout in the secondary (straining the raspberries on the way into the carboy.

These have been in the secondary about a week now.

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