Brewed a Hefe Weizen. Here's the recipe...
.5 lbs Briess Wheat Malt crushed 6 row (lovibond 2.2)
.5 lbs Briess Dextrine Malt crushed 6 row (lovibond 1.5)
for 4 hours in 6.25 gallons of hot water from the tap
Brought water to 155-160 F and let rest for 30 min. and brought to full boil and removed grains
1 oz. Vangard pellet hops A.A. 4.4%
1/2 cup of Malto dextine
2 cups of corn sugar
Boiled for 30 minutes
3.3 lbs Briess Bavarian Wheat LME
3 lbs Munton's Plain Extra Light DME (7 EBC)
1 cup of corn sugar
.75 lbs Munton's Plain Wheat DME (55% wheat/45% barley, 9 EBC)
Boiled for 15 more minutes
.5 oz Willamette pellet hops A.A. 4.6%
Boiled for 10 more minutes
.5 oz Willamette pellet hops A.A. 4.6%
Boiled for 5 minutes and cooled
Pitched Munton's Gold Yeast directly into Wort at 68F
This made about 6 gallons, and I forgot to measure my original gravity before pitching the yeast. I think I'm going to add a half can of Oregon canned raspberries to 1 gallon in the secondary for a raspberry hefe. I'll let you know how it turns out.
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